Useful Adjectives that Start with A | Definition & Example

Adjectives are essential in adding color and detail to our language. Exploring adjectives that start with “A” opens a world of descriptive possibilities, from “adventurous” to “amazing.”

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your writing or expand your vocabulary, these words offer rich and varied ways to express emotions, attributes, and experiences vividly and precisely.

Here are the list some of the most common and useful adjectives that start with A:

Adjectives that Start with A

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
1AbandonedLeft behind or deserted.deserted, forsaken, neglectedThe abandoned house stood alone at the edge of the forest.
2AbleHaving the power, skill, or means to do something.capable, competent, proficientShe is an able swimmer who can cross the lake easily.
3AbsoluteNot qualified or diminished in any way;, complete, outrightHe demanded absolute silence in the room.
4AbsurdWildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.ridiculous, ludicrous, preposterousHis excuse for being late was completely absurd.
5AbundantExisting or available in large quantities.plentiful, ample, copiousThe garden was abundant with flowers of every kind.
6AcademicRelating to education and scholarship.scholarly, educational, intellectualShe received several awards for her academic achievements.
7AccessibleAble to be reached or entered.reachable, attainable, approachableThe museum is easily accessible by public transport.
8AcclaimedPublicly praised; celebrated.praised, honored, laudedThe acclaimed author will be visiting our city next week.
9AccomplishedHighly trained or skilled.skilled, proficient, expertShe is an accomplished musician known for her violin performances.
10AccurateCorrect in all details; exact.precise, exact, correctThe weather forecast was accurate for a change.
11ActiveEngaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.energetic, lively, dynamicShe is very active and enjoys hiking and swimming.
12ActualExisting in fact; real.real, factual, trueThe actual cost was much higher than we anticipated.
13AcutePresent or experienced to a severe or intense degree.severe, intense, sharpShe felt an acute pain in her side.
14AdaptableAble to adjust to new conditions.flexible, versatile, adjustableHe is very adaptable and can work in different environments.
15AdeptVery skilled or proficient at something.skilled, proficient, expertShe is adept at solving complex puzzles.
16AdorableInspiring great affection; delightful; charming.charming, delightful, cuteThe puppy was simply adorable with its big, brown eyes.
17AdventurousWilling to take risks or try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.daring, bold, fearlessHe has an adventurous spirit and loves exploring new places.
18AffectionateReadily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.loving, fond, warmThe dog is very affectionate and loves to be petted.
19AggressiveReady or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.hostile, belligerent, combativeThe company adopted an aggressive marketing strategy.
20AgileAble to move quickly and easily.nimble, quick, light-footedThe gymnast was incredibly agile, performing complex routines with ease.
21AlertQuick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; vigilant.watchful, vigilant, attentiveThe guards remained alert throughout the night.
22AlluringPowerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.attractive, enticing, captivatingShe wore an alluring dress that caught everyone’s eye.
23AmazingCausing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.astonishing, astounding, incredibleThe magician performed an amazing trick that left the audience speechless.
24AmbitiousHaving or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.determined, aspiring, drivenShe is an ambitious young woman with big dreams.
25AmpleEnough or more than enough; plentiful.abundant, plentiful, sufficientThere was ample space for everyone at the venue.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
26AncientBelonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.old, prehistoric, archaicWe visited the ancient ruins on our trip.
27AngelicResembling or characteristic of an angel.divine, heavenly, pureThe animated conversation lasted for hours.
28AnimatedFull of life or excitement; lively.lively, energetic, spiritedThe annual festival attracts thousands of visitors.
29AnnualOccurring once every year.yearly, per annum, once-a-yearShe felt anxious about the upcoming exam.
30AnxiousExperiencing worry, unease, or nervousness.worried, uneasy, nervousThe mistake was apparent to everyone in the room.
31ApparentClearly visible or understood; obvious.obvious, clear, evidentThe idea of a tropical vacation is very appealing.
32AppealingAttractive or interesting.attractive, charming, engagingThe food looked appetizing and smelled wonderful.
33AppetizingStimulating one’s appetite.mouth-watering, tasty, deliciousShe was appreciative of all the help she received.
34AppreciativeFeeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.grateful, thankful, gratefulHe is an ardent supporter of the local football team.
35ArdentEnthusiastic or passionate.passionate, fervent, zealousHis arrogant behavior alienated many of his colleagues.
36ArrogantHaving or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.conceited, self-important, haughtyThe artful dodger managed to escape the police once again.
37ArtfulClever or skillful, especially in a crafty or cunning way.crafty, cunning, slyShe has an artistic flair that is evident in her paintings.
38ArtisticHaving or revealing natural creative skill.creative, imaginative, aestheticHe felt ashamed for lying to his friend.
39AshamedEmbarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations.embarrassed, guilty, humiliatedShe is assertive in meetings and always voices her opinions.
40AssertiveHaving or showing a confident and forceful personality.confident, forceful, decisiveThe view from the top of the mountain was astonishing.
41AstonishingExtremely surprising or impressive; amazing.amazing, astounding, incredibleHis astute observations helped solve the case.
42AstuteHaving or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.shrewd, sharp, perceptiveShe is an attractive person with a friendly smile.
43AttractivePleasing or appealing to the senses.appealing, charming, engagingThe painting was confirmed to be an authentic piece by the artist.
44AuthenticOf undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.genuine, real, trueHe gave an authoritative account of the events.
45AuthoritativeAble to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable.reliable, dependable, trustworthyThe book is available at the library.
46AvailableAble to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal.accessible, obtainable, readyShe is an avid reader and finishes several books a month.
47AvidHaving or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.eager, enthusiastic, keenHe was not aware of the meeting’s rescheduling.
48AwareHaving knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.conscious, mindful, cognizantThe fireworks display was truly awesome.
49AwesomeExtremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.impressive, magnificent, breathtakingThe weather was awful all weekend.
50AwfulVery bad or unpleasant.terrible, dreadful, appallingThere was an awkward silence after his comment.

Sr. No.AdjectivesDefinitionSynonymExample
51AwkwardCausing difficulty; hard to deal with.clumsy, uncomfortable, uneasyThere was an awkward silence after his comment.
52AblazeBurning fiercely.afire, on fire, flamingThe building was ablaze within minutes.
53AbnormalDeviating from what is normal or usual.unusual, uncommon, atypicalThe patient has an abnormal heartbeat.
54AboriginalInhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists.indigenous, native, originalThe aboriginal tribes of Australia have a rich cultural heritage.
55AbsoluteNot qualified or diminished in any way;, complete, utterHe demanded absolute silence during the presentation.
56AbsorbentAble to soak up liquid easily.spongy, porous, permeableThe absorbent cloth quickly soaked up the spill.
57AbstractExisting in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.theoretical, conceptual, intangibleHer artwork is very abstract and open to interpretation.
58AbstruseDifficult to understand; obscure.obscure, arcane, esotericThe professor’s lecture was so abstruse that many students were confused.
59AbundantExisting or available in large quantities.plentiful, ample, copiousWe have an abundant supply of fresh water.
60AcademicRelated to education, schools, universities, and scholarship.scholarly, educational, intellectualShe pursued an academic career in physics.
61AcceleratedMade faster or quicker.increased, expedited, hastenedThe accelerated program allowed her to finish college in three years.
62AccessibleAble to be reached or entered.reachable, attainable, approachableThe museum is accessible by public transport.
63AccidentalHappening by chance or without intention.unintended, unplanned, fortuitousShe realized her mistake was purely accidental.
64AccommodatingWilling to fit in with someone’s wishes or needs.obliging, helpful, cooperativeThe hotel staff was very accommodating to our requests.
65AccomplishedHighly trained or skilled.proficient, adept, expertHe is an accomplished pianist.
66AccurateCorrect in all details; exact.precise, exact, correctThe weather forecast was accurate.
67AccusingIndicating a belief in someone’s guilt or culpability.accusatory, blaming, condemningShe gave him an accusing look when the vase broke.
68AchingSuffering from a continuous dull pain.sore, painful, hurtingHis muscles were aching after the long run.
69AcidicHaving the properties of an acid, or containing acid; having a pH below 7.sour, sharp, tartThe soil in this area is very acidic.
70AcousticRelating to sound or the sense of hearing.auditory, aural, sonicThe room has excellent acoustic properties.
71ActiveEngaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.energetic, lively, dynamicShe is very active in the community.
72ActualExisting in fact; real.real, factual, trueThe actual cost of the project was higher than expected.
73AcutePresent or experienced to a severe or intense degree.severe, intense, sharpShe has an acute sense of smell.
74AdamantRefusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind.unyielding, inflexible, determinedHe was adamant that he was right.
75AdaptableAble to adjust to new conditions.flexible, versatile, adjustableShe is highly adaptable and can thrive in any environment.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
76AddictiveCausing or likely to cause someone to become addicted to it.habit-forming, compelling, enslavingThe game is so addictive that I can’t stop playing.
77AdequateSatisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.sufficient, enough, ampleThe supply of food was adequate for the number of guests.
78AdmirableArousing or deserving respect and approval.commendable, praiseworthy, laudableHer dedication to her work is admirable.
79AdolescentIn the process of developing from a child into an adult.teenage, juvenile, youthfulHe is going through the typical adolescent struggles.
80AdorableInspiring great affection; delightful; charming.charming, cute, delightfulThe kittens are absolutely adorable.
81AdroitClever or skillful in using the hands or mind.skillful, adept, dexterousHe is adroit at handling difficult situations.
82AdultFully grown or developed.mature, grown-up, of ageThe adult population in the town has increased.
83AdvancedFar on or ahead in development or, developed, sophisticatedShe took an advanced course in mathematics.
84AdventurousWilling to take risks or try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.daring, bold, fearlessThey went on an adventurous trip to the Amazon rainforest.
85Advisable(Of a course of action) to be recommended; sensible.recommended, prudent, wiseIt is advisable to carry a map when hiking in unfamiliar areas.
86AestheticConcerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.artistic, tasteful, pleasingThe aesthetic design of the building impressed everyone.
87AffectionateReadily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.loving, fond, warmThe dog is very affectionate and loves to cuddle.
88AffirmativeAgreeing with a statement or to a request.positive, confirming, agreeingShe gave an affirmative nod in response to the question.
89AffluentHaving a great deal of money; wealthy.wealthy, rich, prosperousThey live in an affluent neighborhood.
90AfraidFeeling fear or anxiety; frightened.scared, fearful, frightenedShe was afraid of the dark.
91AggressiveReady or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.hostile, belligerent, combativeThe company adopted an aggressive marketing strategy.
92AgileAble to move quickly and easily.nimble, quick, spryThe gymnast is incredibly agile.
93AgonizingCausing great physical or mental pain.painful, excruciating, torturousThe wait for the test results was agonizing.
94AgreeableEnjoyable and pleasant.pleasant, pleasing, niceThe weather was agreeable for our picnic.
95AilingIn poor health.ill, sick, unwellHe has been ailing for several weeks.
96AirySpacious and well ventilated.breezy, ventilated, spaciousThe room was light and airy.
97AlarmedFrightened or worried.scared, frightened, worriedShe was alarmed by the loud noise.
98AlertQuick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; vigilant.vigilant, watchful, attentiveThe guard remained alert throughout the night.
99AliveLiving, not, breathing, animateThe plant looked almost dead, but it was still alive.
100AlluringPowerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.attractive, enticing, captivatingShe wore an alluring perfume that captivated everyone.

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Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
101AlmightyHaving complete power; omnipotent.all-powerful, omnipotent, supremeThey prayed to the Almighty for guidance.
102AloneHaving no one else present; on one’s own.solitary, solo, unaccompaniedShe felt alone in the big city.
103AloofNot friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.distant, detached, unapproachableHe remained aloof during the discussion.
104AltruisticShowing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.selfless, unselfish, charitableHis altruistic behavior earned him great respect.
105AmateurEngaging or engaged in without payment; non-professional.non-professional, novice, beginnerShe plays the piano as an amateur but hopes to turn professional.
106AmazingCausing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.astonishing, astounding, incredibleThe view from the top of the mountain was amazing.
107AmbiguousOpen to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.unclear, vague, equivocalHis ambiguous response left everyone confused.
108AmbitiousHaving or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.determined, aspiring, drivenShe is very ambitious and aims to become a CEO.
109AmicableHaving a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.friendly, good-natured, cordialThey reached an amicable agreement without any conflict.
110AmpleEnough or more than enough; plentiful.abundant, sufficient, plentifulThere was ample space for everyone at the event.
111AmusedFinding something funny or entertaining.entertained, pleased, delightedShe was amused by the comedian’s jokes.
112AnalogousComparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared.similar, comparable, akinThe human brain is analogous to a computer in many ways.
113AncientBelonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.old, prehistoric, archaicThe ancient ruins attracted many tourists.
114AngelicResembling or characteristic of an angel.divine, heavenly, saintlyShe has an angelic voice that captivated everyone.
115AngryFeeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.furious, irate, enragedHe was angry when he found out he had been lied to.
116AnimatedFull of life or excitement; lively.lively, energetic, spiritedThe animated discussion lasted for hours.
117AnnoyedSlightly angry; irritated.irritated, bothered, vexedShe was annoyed by the constant noise outside.
118AnnualOccurring once every year.yearly, per annum, once-a-yearThe annual festival attracts thousands of visitors.
119Anonymous(Of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.unnamed, unidentified, namelessThe donor chose to remain anonymous.
120AntagonisticShowing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something.hostile, opposed, inimicalThe two characters have an antagonistic relationship.
121AnxiousExperiencing worry, unease, or nervousness.worried, uneasy, nervousShe felt anxious about the upcoming exam.
122ApatheticShowing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.indifferent, uninterested, unconcernedHe was apathetic about the results of the game.
123AppallingCausing shock or dismay; horrific.shocking, horrifying, dreadfulThe conditions in the prison were appalling.
124ApparentClearly visible or understood; obvious.obvious, clear, evidentThe mistake was apparent to everyone.
125AppetizingStimulating one’s appetite.mouth-watering, tasty, deliciousThe food looked very appetizing.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
126AppreciativeFeeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.grateful, thankful, obligedShe was appreciative of all the support she received.
127ApprehensiveAnxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.anxious, uneasy, fearfulHe felt apprehensive about the meeting.
128ApproachableFriendly and easy to talk to.friendly, accessible, sociableHer approachable nature made her popular among her peers.
129AppropriateSuitable or proper in the circumstances.suitable, proper, fittingIt is important to wear appropriate clothing for the occasion.
130ArdentEnthusiastic or passionate.passionate, fervent, zealousHe is an ardent supporter of the local team.
131ArduousInvolving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.difficult, hard, laboriousThe journey through the mountains was arduous.
132Arid(Of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation.dry, barren, parchedThe desert landscape was arid and desolate.
133AromaticHaving a pleasant and distinctive smell.fragrant, perfumed, scentedThe garden was filled with aromatic flowers.
134ArtfulClever or skillful, especially in a crafty or cunning way.crafty, cunning, slyShe was artful in negotiating the best deal.
135ArtificialMade or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural.synthetic, fake, imitationThe flowers were artificial but looked very realistic.
136ArtisticHaving or revealing natural creative skill.creative, imaginative, aestheticHer artistic talent is evident in her paintings.
137AshamedEmbarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations.embarrassed, guilty, humiliatedHe felt ashamed of his behavior.
138AspiringDirecting one’s hopes or ambitions toward becoming a specified type of person.ambitious, striving, eagerShe is an aspiring writer hoping to publish her first novel soon.
139AssertiveHaving or showing a confident and forceful personality.confident, forceful, decisiveShe was assertive in her demands for better working conditions.
140AstoundingSurprisingly impressive or notable.amazing, astonishing, incredibleThe magician’s tricks were truly astounding.
141AstuteHaving or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.shrewd, sharp, perceptiveHis astute observations helped solve the case.
142AthleticPhysically strong, fit, and, strong, muscularShe has an athletic build from years of playing sports.
143AtmosphericCreating a distinctive mood, typically of romance, mystery, or nostalgia.moody, evocative, hauntingThe old house had an atmospheric charm.
144AttentivePaying close attention to something.observant, alert, focusedThe students were attentive during the lecture.
145AttractivePleasing or appealing to the senses.appealing, charming, captivatingThe city is known for its attractive architecture.
146AtypicalNot representative of a type, group, or class.unusual, untypical, unconventionalHer reaction was atypical for someone in her position.
147AustereSevere or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance.severe, stern, strictThe austere decor of the room matched its somber mood.
148AuthenticOf undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.genuine, real, trueThey served authentic Italian cuisine.
149AuthoritativeAble to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable.reliable, dependable, trustworthyThe book is considered an authoritative source on the subject.
150AutomaticWorking by itself with little or no direct human control.self-operating, mechanical, self-actingThe doors opened automatically as we approached.

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