Useful Adjectives that Start with D | Definition & Example

Adjectives are essential in adding color and detail to our language, and those beginning with the letter “D” are particularly dynamic. From “dazzling” to “dreary,” these descriptive words can enhance any narrative or conversation.

In this article, we will explore a variety of adjectives that start with “D,” showcasing their versatility and impact on communication.

Here are the list some of most popular and useful adjectives that start with d:

adjectives that start with d
adjectives that start with d

Adjectives that Start with D

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
1DaintyDelicately small and pretty.delicate, elegant, refinedShe wore a dainty necklace that complemented her outfit.
2DampSlightly wet.moist, humid, soggyThe clothes were still damp from the rain.
3DangerousAble or likely to cause harm or injury.hazardous, perilous, riskyThe roads were dangerous due to the ice.
4DaringAdventurous or audaciously bold.bold, brave, audaciousShe made a daring escape from the locked room.
5DarkWith little or no light.dim, shadowy, unlitThe room was dark and quiet.
6DashingAttractive in a confident, adventurous way.stylish, debonair, elegantHe looked dashing in his new suit.
7DauntingSeeming difficult to deal with in anticipation.intimidating, formidable, challengingClimbing the mountain was a daunting task.
8DazzlingExtremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.sparkling, brilliant, radiantThe sun was dazzling on the clear day.
9DeadlyCausing or able to cause death.lethal, fatal, mortalThe snake’s bite is deadly.
10DeafeningSo loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else.loud, ear-splitting, thunderousThe music at the concert was deafening.
11DearRegarded with deep affection.beloved, cherished, precious.She is a dear friend of mine.
12DecentConforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.proper, respectable, suitableHe is a decent person with strong values.
13DecisiveSettling an issue; producing a definite result.conclusive, definitive, resoluteHer decisive actions saved the company.
14DecorativeServing to make something look more attractive.ornamental, embellishing, beautifyingThe vase is decorative rather than functional.
15DeepExtending far down from the top or surface.profound, extensive, bottomlessThe lake is very deep in the middle.
16DefensiveUsed or intended to defend or protect.protective, guarding, shieldingThe team took a defensive stance during the game.
17DefiantShowing defiance.resistant, rebellious, insubordinateHer defiant attitude was evident in her tone.
18DefiniteClearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.specific, clear, distinctWe need a definite answer by tomorrow.
19DeftNeatly skillful and quick in one’s movements.skillful, adept, agileShe made a deft move to avoid the obstacle.
20DelicateVery fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.fragile, fine, daintyThe delicate lace was handwoven.
21DeliciousHighly pleasant to the taste.tasty, delectable, scrumptiousThe cake was delicious and moist.
22DelightedFeeling or showing great pleasure.pleased, happy, thrilledShe was delighted with her birthday gift.
23DelightfulCausing delight; charming.lovely, charming, pleasingWe had a delightful time at the party.
24DemandingRequiring much skill or effort.challenging, exacting, toughThe job was demanding but rewarding.
25DenseClosely compacted in substance.thick, compact, crowdedThe forest was dense with trees.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
26DependableTrustworthy and reliable.reliable, trustworthy, consistentShe is a dependable colleague.
27DependentRequiring someone or something for support.reliant, subordinate, conditionalThe child is still dependent on his parents.
28DepressingCausing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection.sad, disheartening, gloomyThe gray, rainy weather was depressing.
29DerelictIn a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.abandoned, neglected, rundownThe derelict building was an eyesore.
30DescriptiveServing or seeking to describe.illustrative, detailed, explanatoryHer descriptive writing paints vivid pictures.
31DesertedEmpty of people.abandoned, desolate, uninhabitedThe streets were deserted at night.
32DeservingWorthy of being treated in a particular way, typically of being given assistance.worthy, meritorious, commendableHe is deserving of praise for his efforts.
33DesirableWanted or wished for as being an attractive, useful, or necessary course of action.attractive, appealing, advantageousThe house is in a desirable location.
34Desolate(Of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.barren, bleak, abandonedThe desolate landscape was devoid of life.
35DesperateFeeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.hopeless, despairing, franticHe made a desperate attempt to save the project.
36DetailedHaving many details or facts; showing attention to detail.thorough, comprehensive, elaborateThe report was very detailed and informative.
37DeterminedHaving made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.resolute, steadfast, decidedShe was determined to succeed.
38DevotedVery loving or loyal.dedicated, loyal, faithfulHe is devoted to his family.
39DifferentNot the same as another or each other.dissimilar, distinct, divergentEach child is different in their own way.
40DifficultNeeding much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.hard, challenging, toughThe exam was very difficult.
41DiligentHaving or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.industrious, hardworking, meticulousShe is a diligent student.
42DimNot bright or clear.faint, weak, shadowyThe room was lit by a dim lamp.
43DiminutiveExtremely or unusually small.tiny, small, petiteShe had a diminutive figure.
44DingyGloomy and drab.dismal, dreary, shabbyThe dingy apartment needed renovation.
45DirectExtending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping.straightforward, straight, explicitShe gave a direct answer to the question.
46DirtyCovered or marked with an unclean substance.filthy, grimy, soiledHis clothes were dirty after working in the garden.
47DisagreeableNot pleasant or enjoyable.unpleasant, offensive, objectionableHe had a disagreeable personality.
48DisastrousCausing great damage.catastrophic, devastating, ruinousThe event had disastrous consequences.
49DisciplinedShowing a controlled form of behavior or way of working.controlled, trained, regimentedShe is very disciplined in her study habits.
50DiscreetCareful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions.cautious, prudent, tactfulHe was discreet about his friend’s secret.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
51DiscrepantDiffering, inconsistent.differing, conflicting, inconsistentThere were discrepant accounts of the incident.
52DiscriminatingHaving or showing refined taste or good judgment.discerning, selective, judiciousShe has a discriminating eye for detail.
53DisgustingArousing revulsion or strong indignation.revolting, repulsive, nauseatingThe smell was absolutely disgusting.
54DishonestBehaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.deceitful, untruthful, fraudulentHe was dishonest about his qualifications.
55DismalDepressing; dreary.gloomy, bleak, drearyThe weather was dismal and gray.
56DistantFar away in space or time.remote, far, detachedThe distant mountains were covered in snow.
57DistinctRecognizably different in nature from something else.separate, unique, clearThere are distinct differences between the two.
58DistinguishedSuccessful, authoritative, and commanding great respect.eminent, notable, esteemedHe is a distinguished professor at the university.
59DistractingPreventing concentration or attention.diverting, disturbing, disruptiveThe noise outside was very distracting.
60DistressedSuffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.upset, troubled, agitatedShe was distressed by the news.
61DiverseShowing a great deal of variety.varied, different, assortedThe city has a diverse population.
62DivineOf, from, or like God or a god.heavenly, celestial, godlyThe food at the restaurant was divine.
63DizzyHaving or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.lightheaded, giddy, woozyShe felt dizzy after standing up too quickly.
64DolefulExpressing sorrow; mournful.sorrowful, sad, melancholyThe doleful music matched the somber mood of the event.
65DomesticRelating to the running of a home or to family relations.household, family, homeShe enjoys her domestic chores.
66DominantMost important, powerful, or influential.prevailing, controlling, commandingHe has a dominant personality.
67DoubtfulFeeling uncertain about something.uncertain, unsure, skepticalShe was doubtful about the outcome of the trial.
68DramaticRelating to drama or the performance of drama.theatrical, emotional, strikingThe play had a dramatic ending.
69DrearyDull, bleak, and lifeless.bleak, dismal, gloomyThe weather was dreary and cold.
70DrowsySleepy and lethargic.sleepy, tired, lethargicThe warm room made him feel drowsy.
71DryFree from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.arid, parched, dehydratedThe towel was dry and ready to use.
72DubiousHesitating or doubting.doubtful, uncertain, unsureHe was dubious about the new plan.
73DullLacking interest or excitement.boring, uninteresting, tediousThe lecture was dull and uninspiring.
74DurableAble to withstand wear, pressure, or damage.sturdy, strong, long-lastingThe furniture is made of durable materials.
75DynamicCharacterized by constant change, activity, or progress.energetic, vibrant, activeShe is a dynamic leader who inspires her team.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
76DysfunctionalNot operating normally or properly.flawed, impaired, brokenThe family was dysfunctional and needed help.
77DystopianRelating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.bleak, grim, nightmarishThe novel is set in a dystopian future.
78DangerousAble or likely to cause harm or injury.hazardous, perilous, riskyThe roads were dangerous due to the ice.
79DauntingSeeming difficult to deal with in anticipation.intimidating, formidable, challengingClimbing the mountain was a daunting task.
80DecentConforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.proper, respectable, suitableHe is a decent person with strong values.
81DecisiveSettling an issue; producing a definite result.conclusive, definitive, resoluteHer decisive actions saved the company.
82DecorativeServing to make something look more attractive.ornamental, embellishing, beautifyingThe vase is decorative rather than functional.
83DeepExtending far down from the top or surface.profound, extensive, bottomlessThe lake is very deep in the middle.
84DefensiveUsed or intended to defend or protect.protective, guarding, shieldingThe team took a defensive stance during the game.
85DefiantShowing defiance.resistant, rebellious, insubordinateHer defiant attitude was evident in her tone.
86DefiniteClearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.specific, clear, distinctWe need a definite answer by tomorrow.
87DeftNeatly skillful and quick in one’s movements.skillful, adept, agileShe made a deft move to avoid the obstacle.
88DelicateVery fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.fragile, fine, daintyThe delicate lace was handwoven.
89DeliciousHighly pleasant to the taste.tasty, delectable, scrumptiousThe cake was delicious and moist.
90DelightedFeeling or showing great pleasure.pleased, happy, thrilledShe was delighted with her birthday gift.
91DelightfulCausing delight; charming.lovely, charming, pleasingWe had a delightful time at the party.
92DemandingRequiring much skill or effort.challenging, exacting, toughThe job was demanding but rewarding.
93DenseClosely compacted in substance.thick, compact, crowdedThe forest was dense with trees.
94DependableTrustworthy and reliable.reliable, trustworthy, consistentShe is a dependable colleague.
95DependentRequiring someone or something for support.reliant, subordinate, conditionalThe child is still dependent on his parents.
96DepressingCausing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection.sad, disheartening, gloomyThe gray, rainy weather was depressing.
97DerelictIn a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.abandoned, neglected, rundownThe derelict building was an eyesore.
98DescriptiveServing or seeking to describe.illustrative, detailed, explanatoryHer descriptive writing paints vivid pictures.
99DesertedEmpty of people.abandoned, desolate, uninhabitedThe streets were deserted at night.
100DeservingWorthy of being treated in a particular way, typically of being given assistance.worthy, meritorious, commendableHe is deserving of praise for his efforts.

Also Read – Idioms Starting with H

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
101DesirableWanted or wished for as being an attractive, useful, or necessary course of action.attractive, appealing, advantageousThe house is in a desirable location.
102Desolate(Of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.barren, bleak, abandonedThe desolate landscape was devoid of life.
103DesperateFeeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.hopeless, despairing, franticHe made a desperate attempt to save the project.
104DetailedHaving many details or facts; showing attention to detail.thorough, comprehensive, elaborateThe report was very detailed and informative.
105DeterminedHaving made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.resolute, steadfast, decidedShe was determined to succeed.
106DevotedVery loving or loyal.dedicated, loyal, faithfulHe is devoted to his family.
107DifferentNot the same as another or each other.dissimilar, distinct, divergentEach child is different in their own way.
108DifficultNeeding much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.hard, challenging, toughThe exam was very difficult.
109DiligentHaving or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.industrious, hardworking, meticulousShe is a diligent student.
110DimNot bright or clear.faint, weak, shadowyThe room was lit by a dim lamp.
111DiminutiveExtremely or unusually small.tiny, small, petiteShe had a diminutive figure.
112DingyGloomy and drab.dismal, dreary, shabbyThe dingy apartment needed renovation.
113DirectExtending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping.straightforward, straight, explicitShe gave a direct answer to the question.
114DirtyCovered or marked with an unclean substance.filthy, grimy, soiledHis clothes were dirty after working in the garden.
115DisagreeableNot pleasant or enjoyable.unpleasant, offensive, objectionableHe had a disagreeable personality.
116DisastrousCausing great damage.catastrophic, devastating, ruinousThe event had disastrous consequences.
117DisciplinedShowing a controlled form of behavior or way of working.controlled, trained, regimentedShe is very disciplined in her study habits.
118DiscreetCareful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions.cautious, prudent, tactfulHe was discreet about his friend’s secret.
119DiscrepantDiffering, inconsistent.differing, conflicting, inconsistentThere were discrepant accounts of the incident.
120DiscriminatingHaving or showing refined taste or good judgment.discerning, selective, judiciousShe has a discriminating eye for detail.
121DisgustingArousing revulsion or strong indignation.revolting, repulsive, nauseatingThe smell was absolutely disgusting.
122DishonestBehaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.deceitful, untruthful, fraudulentHe was dishonest about his qualifications.
123DismalDepressing; dreary.gloomy, bleak, drearyThe weather was dismal and gray.
124DistantFar away in space or time.remote, far, detachedThe distant mountains were covered in snow.
125DistinctRecognizably different in nature from something else.separate, unique, clearThere are distinct differences between the two.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
126DistinguishedSuccessful, authoritative, and commanding great respect.eminent, notable, esteemedHe is a distinguished professor at the university.
127DistractingPreventing concentration or attention.diverting, disturbing, disruptiveThe noise outside was very distracting.
128DistressedSuffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.upset, troubled, agitatedShe was distressed by the news.
129DiverseShowing a great deal of variety.varied, different, assortedThe city has a diverse population.
130DivineOf, from, or like God or a god.heavenly, celestial, godlyThe food at the restaurant was divine.
131DizzyHaving or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.lightheaded, giddy, woozyShe felt dizzy after standing up too quickly.
132DolefulExpressing sorrow; mournful.sorrowful, sad, melancholyThe doleful music matched the somber mood of the event.
133DomesticRelating to the running of a home or to family relations.household, family, homeShe enjoys her domestic chores.
134DominantMost important, powerful, or influential.uncertain, unsure, skepticalShe was doubtful about the outcome of the trial.
135DoubtfulFeeling uncertain about something.uncertain, unsure, skepticalShe was doubtful about the outcome of the trial.
136DramaticRelating to drama or the performance of drama.theatrical, emotional, strikingThe play had a dramatic ending.
137DrearyDull, bleak, and lifeless.bleak, dismal, gloomyThe weather was dreary and cold.
138DrowsySleepy and lethargic.sleepy, tired, lethargicThe warm room made him feel drowsy.
139DryFree from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.arid, parched, dehydratedThe towel was dry and ready to use.
140DubiousHesitating or doubting.doubtful, uncertain, unsureHe was dubious about the new plan.
141DullLacking interest or excitement.boring, uninteresting, tediousThe lecture was dull and uninspiring.
142DurableAble to withstand wear, pressure, or damage.sturdy, strong, long-lastingThe furniture is made of durable materials.
143DynamicCharacterized by constant change, activity, or progress.energetic, vibrant, activeShe is a dynamic leader who inspires her team.
144DysfunctionalNot operating normally or properly.flawed, impaired, brokenThe family was dysfunctional and needed help.
145DystopianRelating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.bleak, grim, nightmarishThe novel is set in a dystopian future.
146DeplorableDeserving strong condemnation.disgraceful, shameful, appallingThe living conditions were deplorable.
147DevotedVery loving or loyal.dedicated, loyal, faithfulHe is devoted to his family.
148DeceitfulGuilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.dishonest, untruthful, lyingHer deceitful behavior caused a lot of trouble.
149DelusionalHolding beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument.unrealistic, false, mistakenHe had delusional ideas about his abilities.
150DeftNeatly skillful and quick in one’s movements.skillful, adept, agileShe made a deft move to avoid the obstacle.

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