Useful Adjectives that Start with H with Meaning & Example

Feeling stuck in a rut of overused adjectives? The letter H offers a heroic rescue! From the heartwarming to the high-powered, H unlocks a treasure chest of versatile words to elevate your writing.

This guide will be your trusty handbook, navigating you through a spectrum of H-fueled adjectives. We’ll delve into words that inspire hope (heroic, hopeful) and radiate harmony (harmonious, heartfelt). Need to describe something impressive? We’ve got you covered with words like “historical” and “high-end.”

Whether you’re crafting a captivating story, a persuasive argument, or simply want to add punch to your everyday descriptions, this guide equips you with the perfect H-word for every occasion. Here are the list some of most useful and common adjectives that start with H:

adjectives that start with h
adjectives that start with h

Adjectives that Start with H

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
1HabitualDone or doing constantly or as a habit.regular, customary, routineHe is a habitual latecomer.
2HackneyedLacking in originality; overused.clichéd, trite, staleThe plot of the movie was hackneyed.
3HaggardLooking exhausted and unwell.gaunt, tired, wornAfter the long journey, she appeared haggard.
4HalcyonDenoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.serene, tranquil, calmThey reminisced about the halcyon days of their youth.
5Hale(Of an old person) Strong and healthy.robust, vigorous, fitDespite his age, he remains hale and hearty.
6HalfheartedWithout enthusiasm or energy.tepid, indifferent, unenthusiasticHis halfhearted effort showed in the results.
7HallucinatoryCharacterized by or involving hallucinations.delusory, visionary, illusoryThe medication had hallucinatory effects.
8Handsome(Of a man) Good-looking.attractive, good-looking, well-favoredHe is a handsome young man.
9HandyConvenient to handle or use; useful.useful, convenient, practicalA hammer is handy for many household repairs.
10HaplessUnfortunate.unlucky, unfortunate, lucklessThe hapless travelers were stranded at the airport.
11Happy-go-luckyCheerfully unconcerned about the future.carefree, easygoing, blitheShe has a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life.
12HardSolid, firm, and resistant to pressure.solid, firm, toughThe ground was hard and unyielding.
13HardworkingTending to work with energy and commitment.diligent, industrious, assiduousShe is a hardworking employee.
14HarmlessNot likely to cause harm.innocuous, safe, benignThe spider in the corner is harmless.
15HarmoniousForming a pleasing or consistent whole.balanced, congruous, compatibleThe choir sang in harmonious unison.
16HarriedFeeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one.harassed, stressed, troubledThe harried mother of three struggled to find time for herself.
17HarshUnpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.severe, rough, abrasiveThe harsh light of the midday sun hurt her eyes.
18HastyDone with excessive speed or urgency.rushed, hurried, swiftThey made a hasty decision without considering all the facts.
19HatefulArousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred.loathsome, detestable, abominableHe made hateful remarks that hurt many people.
20HauntingDifficult to ignore or forget; having a poignant effect.evocative, poignant, memorableThe haunting melody stayed with her for days.
21HealthyIn good, well, robustShe follows a healthy diet and exercises regularly.
22HeartfeltSincere; deeply and strongly felt.sincere, earnest, genuineHe gave a heartfelt apology for his mistakes.
23HeartyLoudly vigorous and cheerful.exuberant, jovial, enthusiasticThey shared a hearty laugh.
24HeatedInflamed with passion or conviction.intense, fervent, passionateThey had a heated debate about politics.
25HeavenlyDelightful; blissful.divine, angelic, etherealThe dessert was absolutely heavenly.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
26HeavyOf great weight; difficult to lift or move.weighty, substantial, ponderousThe box was too heavy for her to lift.
27HeedlessShowing a reckless lack of care or attention.careless, inattentive, recklessHe was heedless of the danger ahead.
28HelpfulGiving or ready to give help.accommodating, cooperative, supportiveThe staff was very helpful and friendly.
29HelplessUnable to defend oneself or to act without help.powerless, defenseless, vulnerableThe kitten looked helpless in the middle of the road.
30HeraldedPublicly announced.acclaimed, announced, proclaimedThe discovery was heralded as a major breakthrough.
31HeroicHaving the characteristics of a hero or heroine.brave, courageous, valiantHe made a heroic effort to save the drowning child.
32HiddenKept out of sight; concealed.concealed, secret, covertShe found a hidden door in the old house.
33HideousExtremely unpleasant or ugly.ugly, repulsive, ghastlyThe monster in the movie was hideous.
34HighOf great vertical extent.tall, lofty, elevatedThe mountain was so high that its peak was covered in clouds.
35High-mindedHaving strong moral principles.principled, noble, idealisticShe had high-minded ideals about justice and equality.
36HilariousExtremely amusing.funny, amusing, comicalThe comedian’s performance was hilarious.
37HistoricFamous or important in history.historical, notable, significantThey visited many historic sites on their trip.
38HoarseSounding rough and harsh.raspy, gruff, huskyAfter shouting all day, his voice was hoarse.
39HollowHaving a hole or empty space inside.empty, void, vacantThe tree trunk was hollow.
40HolyDedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose.sacred, divine, hallowed.The church was built on holy ground.
41Homely(Of a person) Unattractive in appearance.plain, unattractive, unlovelyDespite being homely, she had a beautiful personality.
42HonestFree of deceit; truthful and sincere.truthful, sincere, candidHe gave an honest account of what happened.
43HonorableBringing or worthy of honor.respectable, noble, ethicalHe made an honorable decision to tell the truth.
44HopefulFeeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.optimistic, positive, confidentShe remained hopeful despite the challenges.
45HopelessFeeling or causing despair about something.despairing, desperate, bleakThe situation seemed hopeless.
46HorizontalParallel to the plane of the horizon; at right angles to the vertical.level, flat, parallelThe shelves were fixed in a horizontal position.
47HorribleCausing or likely to cause horror; shocking.dreadful, terrible, horrificThe accident was a horrible experience for everyone involved.
48HospitableFriendly and welcoming to strangers or guests.welcoming, friendly, congenialThe hosts were very hospitable and made everyone feel at home.
49HostileUnfriendly; antagonistic.unfriendly, antagonistic, aggressiveThe crowd was hostile towards the speaker.
50HotHaving a high degree of heat or a high temperature.warm, boiling, sizzlingThe soup was too hot to eat immediately.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
51HumbleHaving or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.modest, unassuming, meekHe remained humble despite his great success.
52HumidMarked by a relatively high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.muggy, damp, moistThe air was humid and oppressive.
53HumorousCausing lighthearted laughter and amusement.funny, amusing, comicalShe told a humorous story that made everyone laugh.
54HungryFeeling or showing the need for food.starving, ravenous, famishedAfter the long hike, they were all very hungry.
55HurriedDone in a hurry; rushed.rushed, hasty, rapidThey made a hurried departure.
56HurtfulCausing distress and pain to someone’s feelings.painful, distressing, upsettingHis hurtful words left her in tears.
57Husky(Of a voice or utterance) Sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.raspy, gruff, throatyHe spoke in a husky whisper.
58HypnoticOf, producing, or relating to hypnosis.mesmerizing, spellbinding, entrancingThe hypnotic rhythm of the music lulled them to sleep.
59HystericalDeriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion.frenzied, frantic, wildShe became hysterical when she couldn’t find her child.
60Habit-formingLikely to lead to addiction.addictive, dependency-inducing, compulsiveThe medication is habit-forming and should be used with caution.
61HaphazardLacking any obvious principle of organization.random, unplanned, chaoticThe books were arranged in a haphazard manner.
62Hard-hittingVigorous or incisive in expression or style.forceful, powerful, impactfulThe documentary provided a hard-hitting look at poverty.
63Hard-wearingDurable; not easily damaged.durable, resilient, toughThese shoes are hard-wearing and perfect for hiking.
64HarmfulCausing or likely to cause harm.damaging, injurious, detrimentalSmoking is harmful to your health.
65HarmoniousForming a pleasing or consistent whole.balanced, congruous, compatibleThe group worked in a harmonious manner.
66HarshUnpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.severe, rough, abrasiveThe teacher’s harsh criticism upset the student.
67HastyDone with excessive speed or urgency.rushed, hurried, swiftThey made a hasty decision without considering all the facts.
68HaughtyArrogantly superior and disdainful.arrogant, proud, snobbishHer haughty attitude made her unpopular with her peers.
69HealthyIn good, well, robustHe follows a healthy diet and exercises regularly.
70HeartfeltSincere; deeply and strongly felt.sincere, earnest, genuineShe gave a heartfelt speech at the ceremony.
71HeatedInflamed with passion or conviction.intense, fervent, passionateThey had a heated discussion about politics.
72HeavenlyDelightful; blissful.divine, angelic, etherealThe dessert was absolutely heavenly.
73HeavyOf great weight; difficult to lift or move.weighty, substantial, ponderousThe box was too heavy for her to lift.
74HeedlessShowing a reckless lack of care or attention.careless, inattentive, recklessHe was heedless of the danger ahead.
75HelpfulGiving or ready to give help.accommodating, cooperative, supportiveThe staff was very helpful and friendly.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
76HelplessUnable to defend oneself or to act without help.powerless, defenseless, vulnerableThe kitten looked helpless in the middle of the road.
77HeraldedPublicly announced.acclaimed, announced, proclaimedThe discovery was heralded as a major breakthrough.
78HeroicHaving the characteristics of a hero or heroine.brave, courageous, valiantHe made a heroic effort to save the drowning child.
79HiddenKept out of sight; concealed.concealed, secret, covertShe found a hidden door in the old house.
80HideousExtremely unpleasant or ugly.ugly, repulsive, ghastlyThe monster in the movie was hideous.
81HighOf great vertical extent.tall, lofty, elevatedThe mountain was so high that its peak was covered in clouds.
82High-mindedHaving strong moral principles.principled, noble, idealisticShe had high-minded ideals about justice and equality.
83HilariousExtremely amusing.funny, amusing, comicalThe comedian’s performance was hilarious.
84HistoricFamous or important in history.historical, notable, significantThey visited many historic sites on their trip.
85HoarseSounding rough and harsh.raspy, gruff, huskyAfter shouting all day, his voice was hoarse.
86HollowHaving a hole or empty space inside.empty, void, vacantThe tree trunk was hollow.
87HolyDedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose.sacred, divine, hallowedThe church was built on holy ground.
88Homely(Of a person) Unattractive in appearance.plain, unattractive, unlovelyDespite being homely, she had a beautiful personality.
89HonestFree of deceit; truthful and sincere.truthful, sincere, candidHe gave an honest account of what happened.
90HonorableBringing or worthy of honor.respectable, noble, ethicalHe made an honorable decision to tell the truth.
91HopefulFeeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.optimistic, positive, confidentShe remained hopeful despite the challenges.
92HopelessFeeling or causing despair about something.despairing, desperate, bleakThe situation seemed hopeless.
93HorizontalParallel to the plane of the horizon; at right angles to the vertical.level, flat, parallelThe shelves were fixed in a horizontal position.
94HorribleCausing or likely to cause horror; shocking.dreadful, terrible, horrificThe accident was a horrible experience for everyone involved.
95HospitableFriendly and welcoming to strangers or guests.welcoming, friendly, congenialThe hosts were very hospitable and made everyone feel at home.
96HostileUnfriendly; antagonistic.unfriendly, antagonistic, aggressiveThe crowd was hostile towards the speaker.
97HotHaving a high degree of heat or a high temperature.warm, boiling, sizzlingThe soup was too hot to eat immediately.
98HumbleHaving or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.modest, unassuming, meekHe remained humble despite his great success.
99HumidMarked by a relatively high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.muggy, damp, moistThe air was humid and oppressive.
100HumorousCausing lighthearted laughter and amusement.funny, amusing, comicalShe told a humorous story that made everyone laugh.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
101HungryFeeling or showing the need for food.starving, ravenous, famishedAfter the long hike, they were all very hungry.
102HurriedDone in a hurry; rushed.rushed, hasty, rapidThey made a hurried departure.
103HurtfulCausing distress and pain to someone’s feelings.painful, distressing, upsettingHis hurtful words left her in tears.
104Husky(Of a voice or utterance) Sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.raspy, gruff, throatyHe spoke in a husky whisper.
105HypnoticOf, producing, or relating to hypnosis.mesmerizing, spellbinding, entrancingThe hypnotic rhythm of the music lulled them to sleep.
106HystericalDeriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion.frenzied, frantic, wildShe became hysterical when she couldn’t find her child.
107Habit-formingLikely to lead to addiction.addictive, dependency-inducing, compulsiveThe medication is habit-forming and should be used with caution.
108HaphazardLacking any obvious principle of organization.random, unplanned, chaoticThe books were arranged in a haphazard manner.
109Hard-hittingVigorous or incisive in expression or style.forceful, powerful, impactfulThe documentary provided a hard-hitting look at poverty.
110Hard-wearingDurable; not easily damaged.durable, resilient, toughThese shoes are hard-wearing and perfect for hiking.
111HarmfulCausing or likely to cause harm.damaging, injurious, detrimentalSmoking is harmful to your health.
112HarmoniousForming a pleasing or consistent whole.balanced, congruous, compatibleThe group worked in a harmonious manner.
113HarshUnpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.severe, rough, abrasiveThe teacher’s harsh criticism upset the student.
114HastyDone with excessive speed or urgency.rushed, hurried, swiftThey made a hasty decision without considering all the facts.
115HaughtyArrogantly superior and disdainful.arrogant, proud, snobbishHer haughty attitude made her unpopular with her peers.
116HealthyIn good, well, robustHe follows a healthy diet and exercises regularly.
117HeartfeltSincere; deeply and strongly felt.sincere, earnest, genuineShe gave a heartfelt speech at the ceremony.
118HeatedInflamed with passion or conviction.intense, fervent, passionateThey had a heated discussion about politics.
119HeavenlyDelightful; blissful.divine, angelic, etherealThe dessert was absolutely heavenly.
120HeavyOf great weight; difficult to lift or move.weighty, substantial, ponderousThe box was too heavy for her to lift.
121HeedlessShowing a reckless lack of care or attention.careless, inattentive, recklessHe was heedless of the danger ahead.
122HelpfulGiving or ready to give help.accommodating, cooperative, supportiveThe staff was very helpful and friendly.
123HelplessUnable to defend oneself or to act without help.powerless, defenseless, vulnerableThe kitten looked helpless in the middle of the road.
124HeraldedPublicly announced.acclaimed, announced, proclaimedThe discovery was heralded as a major breakthrough.
125HeroicHaving the characteristics of a hero or heroine.brave, courageous, valiantHe made a heroic effort to save the drowning child.

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