Useful Adjectives that Start with B | Definition & Example

Adjectives are essential in adding color and depth to our language, and those that start with the letter “B” are particularly versatile. From describing bold personalities to beautiful landscapes, adjectives like “brilliant” and “breezy” enhance our communication.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most useful adjectives that start with B:

adjectives that start with b
adjectives that start with b

Adjectives that Start with B

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
1BabblingMaking speech-like but meaningless sounds.chattering, prattling, jabberingThe babbling brook provided a peaceful background sound.
2BabiedTreated like a baby; pampered.coddled, spoiled, indulgedHe was babied by his grandparents.
3BabyishResembling or characteristic of a baby.infantile, childish, immatureHis babyish behavior embarrassed his older brother.
4BackhandedIndirect or ambiguous.ambiguous, double-edged, equivocalHer compliment was so backhanded that it felt more like an insult.
5BackwardsDirected or facing toward the back or rear.reverse, rearward, backwardHe accidentally put his shirt on backwards.
6BafflingImpossible to understand; perplexing.perplexing, puzzling, confusingThe magician’s trick was baffling to everyone.
7BalancedKeeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions.stable, steady, proportionedShe maintains a balanced diet for good health.
8BaldHaving a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.hairless, bare, smoothThe bald eagle is a symbol of the United States.
9BanalSo lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.trite, commonplace, unoriginalThe movie was filled with banal dialogue.
10Bankrupt(Of a person or organization) declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts.insolvent, broke, destituteThe company went bankrupt after several bad investments.
11BarbaricSavagely cruel; exceedingly brutal.savage, brutal, uncivilizedThe attack was described as barbaric.
12BareNot clothed or covered.naked, exposed, uncoveredHe walked on the bare ground with his bare feet.
13BarrenToo poor to produce much or any vegetation.infertile, unproductive, desolateThe barren desert stretched out for miles.
14BasicForming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.fundamental, essential, primaryLearning the basic skills is essential before advancing.
15BeautifulPleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.attractive, pretty, lovelyThe garden was filled with beautiful flowers.
16BeckoningAttractive or inviting.inviting, alluring, enticingThe beckoning lights of the city drew him in.
17BelievableAble to be believed; credible.credible, plausible, convincingHer story was so detailed that it seemed believable.
18BeneficialFavorable or advantageous; resulting in good.advantageous, favorable, helpfulRegular exercise is beneficial to your health.
19BenignGentle and kindly.kind, gentle, harmlessHer benign smile put everyone at ease.
20BestOf the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.finest, greatest, topShe is the best student in the class.
21BewilderedPerplexed and confused; very puzzled.confused, perplexed, puzzledHe looked bewildered by the unexpected question.
22BigOf considerable size, extent, or intensity.large, huge, enormousThey moved to a big house in the suburbs.
23BitterHaving a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.sour, acidic, harshThe medicine had a bitter taste.
24BizarreVery strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.strange, odd, peculiarHis behavior at the party was quite bizarre.
25BlazingBurning brightly and strongly.burning, flaming, scorchingThe sun was blazing in the afternoon sky.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
26BleakLacking vegetation and exposed to the elements; charmless and inhospitable.barren, desolate, grimThe landscape looked bleak and uninviting.
27BlindUnable to see; sightless.sightless, visually impaired, unseeingThe blind man navigated the room with his cane.
28BlissfulExtremely happy; full of joy.joyful, ecstatic, delightedThey spent a blissful week at the beach.
29BlurryNot clearly or sharply defined.fuzzy, indistinct, unclearThe photograph was blurry and hard to make out.
30BoastfulShowing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.bragging, proud, arrogantHis boastful remarks about his wealth annoyed everyone.
31BoldShowing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.daring, brave, audaciousShe made a bold decision to start her own company.
32BonyVery thin, especially so that the bones can be seen.skeletal, gaunt, emaciatedThe bony figure of the old man was evident.
33BookishDevoted to reading and studying rather than worldly interests.studious, scholarly, academicHe was a bookish boy who spent most of his time in the library.
34BoomingHaving a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth.thriving, flourishing, prosperingThe booming economy led to an increase in jobs.
35BoringNot interesting; tedious.dull, tedious, monotonousThe lecture was so boring that several students fell asleep.
36BossyFond of giving people orders; domineering.domineering, overbearing, authoritativeHer bossy attitude made her unpopular with her colleagues.
37BothersomeCausing bother or annoyance.annoying, irritating, troublesomeThe bothersome noise from the construction site kept me awake.
38BouncyLively and energetic.lively, energetic, sprightlyThe bouncy music lifted everyone’s spirits.
39BountifulLarge in quantity; abundant.plentiful, abundant, copiousThe harvest was bountiful this year.
40BrainyVery intelligent.intelligent, smart, cleverShe is a brainy student who excels in all her subjects.
41BrashSelf-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.bold, brazen, impudentHis brash manner offended many people.
42BraveReady to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.courageous, bold, valiantThe brave firefighter saved the child from the burning building.
43BrazenBold and without shame.shameless, impudent, audaciousShe made a brazen attempt to steal the spotlight.
44BreakableCapable of breaking or being broken easily.fragile, delicate, brittleHandle the breakable glassware with care.
45BreezyAppearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk.airy, lighthearted, cheerfulThe conversation was breezy and relaxed.
46BriefOf short duration.short, quick, fleetingThe meeting was brief but productive.
47BrightGiving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.shining, radiant, luminousThe bright sun made it hard to see.
48BrilliantVery bright and radiant; exceptionally clever or talented.bright, radiant, intelligentShe had a brilliant idea that solved the problem.
49BroadHaving an ample distance from side to side; wide.wide, extensive, expansiveThe river was too broad to cross by swimming.
50BrokenHaving been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.fractured, shattered, damagedThe broken vase lay in pieces on the floor.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
51BroodingShowing deep unhappiness of thought.moody, sullen, pensiveHe sat in the corner with a brooding expression.
52BrownOf a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil.tan, chocolate, chestnutShe wore a brown coat that matched her boots.
53BruisedHaving a mark on the skin due to a blow or impact.discolored, injured, markedHis arm was bruised from the fall.
54BubblyFull of cheerful high spirits.cheerful, lively, effervescentHer bubbly personality made her popular at parties.
55BulkyTaking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy.large, cumbersome, unwieldyThe bulky package was hard to carry.
56BumpyHaving or covered with bumps.uneven, rough, lumpyThe bumpy road made for a jarring ride.
57BurdensomeDifficult to carry out or fulfill; taxing.onerous, heavy, oppressiveThe burdensome task took all day to complete.
58BusyHaving a great deal to do.occupied, active, engagedShe was too busy to attend the meeting.
59BuzzingMaking a low, continuous humming sound.humming, droning, whirringThe buzzing of the bees was a constant background noise.
60BygoneBelonging to an earlier time.past, former, oldenThe museum displayed artifacts from a bygone era.
61BouncyHaving or showing a lot of energy.lively, energetic, spiritedThe bouncy dog ran around the yard happily.
62BriefOf short duration.short, quick, fleetingThe conversation was brief but informative.
63BrilliantVery bright and radiant; exceptionally clever or talented.bright, radiant, intelligentThe scientist had a brilliant mind.
64BroadHaving an ample distance from side to side; wide.wide, expansive, extensiveThe broad avenue was lined with trees.
65BusyHaving a great deal to do.occupied, engaged, activeShe was too busy to attend the event.
66BuzzingMaking a low, continuous humming sound.humming, droning, whirringThe buzzing bees filled the garden with sound.
67BizarreVery strange or unusual.strange, odd, peculiarHis behavior was bizarre and unexpected.
68BitterHaving a sharp, pungent taste or smell.harsh, acrid, sourThe coffee had a bitter taste.
69BlissfulExtremely happy; full of joy.joyful, ecstatic, delightedThey enjoyed a blissful honeymoon.
70BoredFeeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.uninterested, restless, disinterestedThe students were bored during the long lecture.
71BraveReady to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.courageous, bold, valiantThe brave firefighter saved the child from the fire.
72BoilingExtremely hot; very angry.scalding, scorching, ragingThe boiling water was ready for the pasta.
73BeamingSmiling brightly; shining brightly.radiant, grinning, shiningShe was beaming with pride after winning the award.
74BenevolentWell meaning and kindly.kind, charitable, generousThe benevolent leader was loved by all.
75BashfulReluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.shy, timid, reservedThe bashful child hid behind his mother’s leg.

Also Read – Proper Noun in Hindi

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
76BitterAngry, hurt, or resentful because of one’s bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.resentful, embittered, aggrievedHe was bitter about the way he was treated.
77Blunt(Of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright.straightforward, direct, brusqueHis blunt honesty was sometimes seen as rude.
78BoastfulShowing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.bragging, proud, arrogantHis boastful nature made him few friends.
79BoredFeeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.uninterested, restless, disinterestedThe lecture left everyone feeling bored.
80BoringNot interesting; tedious.dull, tedious, monotonousThe book was so boring that I couldn’t finish it.
81BoldShowing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.daring, brave, audaciousHer bold move impressed everyone.
82BrightGiving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.shining, radiant, luminousThe bright lights of the city were beautiful at night.
83BriskActive, fast, and energetic.quick, lively, energeticThey went for a brisk walk in the park.
84BrokenHaving been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.fractured, shattered, damagedThe broken vase lay in pieces on the floor.
85BrutalSavagely violent; unpleasantly harsh or extreme.savage, cruel, harshThe brutal attack left everyone in shock.
86BulkyTaking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy.large, cumbersome, unwieldyThe bulky package was difficult to carry.
87BumpyHaving or covered with bumps.uneven, rough, lumpyThe road was bumpy and made for a rough ride.
88BusyHaving a great deal to do.occupied, active, engagedShe was too busy to attend the meeting.
89BuzzingMaking a low, continuous humming sound.humming, droning, whirringThe buzzing bees filled the garden with sound.
90BygoneBelonging to an earlier time.past, former, oldenThe museum displayed artifacts from a bygone era.
91BrutishResembling or characteristic of a brute.savage, cruel, coarseHis brutish behavior alienated him from others.
92BurningVery keenly or deeply felt; intense.intense, passionate, ferventShe had a burning desire to succeed.
93BlazingBurning brightly and strongly.burning, flaming, scorchingThe blazing sun made it a hot day.
94BitterHaving a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.harsh, acrid, sourThe coffee had a bitter taste.
95BewilderedPerplexed and confused; very puzzled.confused, perplexed, puzzledHe looked bewildered by the unexpected question.
96BoisterousNoisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.lively, animated, exuberantThe boisterous crowd cheered loudly.
97BountifulLarge in quantity; abundant.plentiful, abundant, copiousThe garden produced a bountiful harvest.
98BoundlessUnlimited or immense.limitless, infinite, vastShe had boundless energy and enthusiasm.
99BumpyHaving or covered with bumps.uneven, rough, lumpyThe bumpy road made for a rough ride.
100BuoyantAble or apt to stay afloat or rise to the top of a liquid or gas; cheerful and optimistic.floatable, light, cheerfulHer buoyant spirit lifted everyone around her.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
101BriskActive, fast, and energetic.quick, lively, energeticThey took a brisk walk in the park.
102BrilliantVery bright and radiant; exceptionally clever or talented.bright, radiant, intelligentHer brilliant idea won the contest.
103BriefOf short duration.short, quick, fleetingTheir conversation was brief but meaningful.
104BrightGiving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.shining, radiant, luminousThe bright sunlight filled the room.
105BraveReady to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.courageous, bold, valiantThe brave soldier received a medal for his actions.
106BoringNot interesting; tedious.dull, tedious, monotonousThe lecture was boring and put everyone to sleep.
107BashfulReluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.shy, timid, reservedThe bashful girl blushed when she was called on in class.
108BenevolentWell meaning and kindly.kind, charitable, generousThe benevolent donor gave a large sum to charity.
109BrutalSavagely violent; unpleasantly harsh or extreme.savage, cruel, harshThe brutal winter weather made travel difficult.
110BlissfulExtremely happy; full of joy.joyful, ecstatic, delightedThey spent a blissful week on the island.
111BizarreVery strange or unusual.strange, odd, peculiarHis bizarre behavior puzzled everyone.
112BoredFeeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.uninterested, restless, disinterestedThe children were bored during the long car ride.
113BoilingExtremely hot; very angry.scalding, scorching, ragingThe boiling water was ready for the pasta.
114BitterHaving a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.harsh, acrid, sourThe coffee was too bitter for my taste.
115BroodingShowing deep unhappiness of thought.moody, sullen, pensiveHe sat in the corner, brooding over his recent breakup.
116BouncyHaving or showing a lot of energy.lively, energetic, spiritedThe bouncy puppy played with his toys all afternoon.
117BriefOf short duration.short, quick, fleetingTheir meeting was brief but productive.
118BenevolentWell meaning and kindly.kind, charitable, generousThe benevolent stranger helped her carry her groceries.
119BrilliantVery bright and radiant; exceptionally clever or talented.bright, radiant, intelligentShe came up with a brilliant plan to solve the problem.
120BoldShowing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.daring, brave, audaciousHe made a bold move in the chess game.
121BusyHaving a great deal to do.occupied, active, engagedShe was too busy to join us for lunch.
122BuzzingMaking a low, continuous humming sound.humming, droning, whirringThe buzzing of the bees was loud in the garden.
123BygoneBelonging to an earlier time.past, former, oldenThey reminisced about bygone days.
124BountifulLarge in quantity; abundant.plentiful, abundant, copiousThe garden produced a bountiful harvest.
125BumpyHaving or covered with bumps.uneven, rough, lumpyThe bumpy road made for a rough car ride.

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