Useful Adjectives that Start with E with Their Definition

Adjectives that Start with E | Enliven your vocabulary with the energetic world of E adjectives! From the enthusiastic “ecstatic” to the elegant “ethereal,” this letter offers a treasure trove of descriptive words to elevate your writing and speech.

Whether you want to emphasize efficiency, express empathy, or evoke an eerie atmosphere, there’s an E adjective to perfectly capture your meaning. Let’s embark on an exciting exploration and expand your vocabulary!

adjectives that start with e
adjectives that start with e

Adjectives that Start with E

Here are the list some of the most common and useful Adjectives that Start with E:

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
1EagerStrongly wanting to do or have something.enthusiastic, keen, avidShe was eager to start her new job.
2EarlyHappening or done before the usual or expected time.premature, advanced, aheadShe arrived early to the meeting.
3EarnestShowing sincere and intense conviction.serious, solemn, intenseHe made an earnest plea for help.
4EarthyResembling or suggestive of earth or soil.rustic, natural, unrefinedThe wine had an earthy flavor.
5EccentricUnconventional and slightly strange.odd, unconventional, quirkyHis eccentric behavior made him stand out.
6EclecticDeriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.diverse, varied, wide-rangingHer music taste is very eclectic.
7EconomicRelating to economics or the, monetary, fiscalThey discussed the economic impacts of the policy.
8EdgyTense, nervous, or irritable.anxious, uneasy, on edgeShe felt edgy before the exam.
9EducatedHaving been educated; knowledgeable.knowledgeable, learned, informedShe is an educated and well-read individual.
10EfficientAchieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.effective, productive, proficientThe new system is more efficient than the old one.
11EffortlessRequiring no physical or mental exertion.easy, smooth, unforcedShe made the dance look effortless.
12ElaborateInvolving many carefully arranged parts or details.intricate, detailed, complexThe wedding decorations were elaborate.
13ElasticAble to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed.flexible, stretchy, resilientThe material is highly elastic.
14Elderly(Of a person) old or aging.aged, senior, oldThe elderly man needed assistance.
15ElectricContaining, producing, arising from, or actuated by electricity.electrical, powered, dynamicThey drove an electric car.
16ElegantGraceful and stylish in appearance or manner.graceful, stylish, refinedShe wore an elegant dress.
17EligibleHaving the right to do or obtain something.qualified, entitled, suitableHe is eligible to vote.
18ElusiveDifficult to find, catch, or achieve.evasive, slippery, intangibleThe answer to the mystery was elusive.
19EmbarrassedFeeling or showing embarrassment.ashamed, awkward, uncomfortableShe felt embarrassed by her mistake.
20EmergingBecoming apparent or prominent.developing, rising, up-and-comingThe emerging artist gained popularity quickly.
21EmotionalRelating to a person’s emotions.passionate, sentimental, sensitiveThe movie was an emotional experience.
22EmpatheticShowing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.compassionate, understanding, sympatheticShe was very empathetic towards her friend’s situation.
23EmptyContaining nothing; not filled or occupied.vacant, unoccupied, voidThe room was empty.
24EnchantedPlaced under a spell; bewitched.charmed, fascinated, captivatedThe enchanted forest was full of magical creatures.
25EnergeticShowing or involving great activity or vitality.lively, active, dynamicThe energetic puppy ran around the yard.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
26EngagingCharming and attractive.charming, captivating, interestingShe has an engaging personality.
27EngrossingAbsorbing all one’s attention or interest.captivating, absorbing, riveting.The book was so engrossing that I couldn’t put it down.
28EnigmaticDifficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.mysterious, puzzling, crypticThe Mona Lisa has an enigmatic smile.
29EnormousVery large in size, quantity, or extent.huge, vast, immenseThe building was enormous.
30EnthusiasticHaving or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.eager, passionate, excitedHe is enthusiastic about his new project.
31EntireWith no part left out; whole.whole, complete, totalShe read the entire book in one day.
32EntitledBelieving oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.privileged, deserving, allowedHe felt entitled to the best service.
33EnviousFeeling or showing envy.jealous, covetous, resentfulShe was envious of her friend’s success.
34EpidemicWidespread occurrence of an infectious disease.widespread, rampant, infectiousThe flu reached epidemic proportions.
35EqualBeing the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.identical, equivalent, balancedAll citizens are considered equal under the law.
36EquitableFair and impartial.fair, just, unbiasedThe settlement was equitable for both parties.
37EssentialAbsolutely necessary; extremely important.crucial, vital, indispensableWater is essential for life.
38EstablishedHaving been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.recognized, traditional, entrenchedThe restaurant is an established favorite in town.
39EsteemedHeld in great respect; admired.respected, revered, admiredShe is an esteemed professor at the university.
40EternalLasting or existing forever; without end.everlasting, perpetual, endlessThe concept of eternal love is timeless.
41EthicalRelating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.moral, principled, righteousIt is important to have ethical business practices.
42EuphoricCharacterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.elated, joyful, ecstaticHe was euphoric after hearing the good news.
43EvocativeBringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.reminiscent, suggestive, expressiveThe painting was evocative of the artist’s childhood.
44EvilProfoundly immoral and wicked.wicked, malevolent, sinisterThe villain had an evil plan.
45ExaltedPlaced at a high or powerful level; held in high regard.elevated, superior, loftyHe was in an exalted position within the company.
46ExasperatedIntensely irritated and frustrated.annoyed, irritated, infuriatedShe was exasperated by the constant delays.
47ExcellentExtremely good; outstanding.outstanding, superb, exceptionalShe did an excellent job on the project.
48ExceptionalUnusual; not typical.extraordinary, remarkable, uniqueHe showed exceptional talent at a young age.
49ExcitableEasily excited.nervous, jumpy, easily agitatedThe excitable puppy barked at every noise.
50ExcitedVery enthusiastic and eager.enthusiastic, eager, thrilledThe children were excited about the trip.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
51ExclusiveExcluding or not admitting other things.selective, elite, restrictedThey stayed at an exclusive resort.
52ExhaustedDrained of one’s physical or mental resources; very tired.worn out, fatigued, drainedShe felt exhausted after the long hike.
53ExhilaratingMaking one feel very happy, animated, or elated.thrilling, invigorating, excitingThe roller coaster ride was exhilarating.
54ExoticOriginating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.foreign, tropical, unusualThey enjoyed the exotic cuisine.
55ExpansiveCovering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive.extensive, broad, wide-rangingThe ranch had expansive fields.
56ExpectantHaving or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen.anticipatory, hopeful, eagerThere was an expectant hush in the room.
57ExpensiveCosting a lot of money.costly, high-priced, priceyThe car was very expensive.
58ExperiencedHaving knowledge or skill in a particular field.skilled, knowledgeable, seasonedShe is an experienced teacher.
59ExperimentalBased on untested ideas or techniques and not yet established or finalized.trial, exploratory, tentativeThe lab is conducting experimental research.
60ExplicitStated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.clear, direct, unambiguousThe instructions were explicit.
61ExplosiveAble or likely to shatter violently or burst apart.volatile, incendiary, combustibleThe situation was highly explosive.
62ExquisiteExtremely beautiful and, typically, delicate.beautiful, lovely, elegantThe jewelry was exquisite.
63ExtensiveCovering or affecting a large area.large-scale, comprehensive, wide-rangingThe hurricane caused extensive damage.
64ExternalBelonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of something.outer, outside, exteriorThey focused on the external appearance of the building.
65Extinct(Of a species, family, or other larger group) having no living members.vanished, died out, nonexistentDinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
66ExtraordinaryVery unusual or remarkable.remarkable, exceptional, amazingHe had an extraordinary talent for music.
67ExtravagantLacking restraint in spending money or using resources.lavish, excessive, opulentShe led an extravagant lifestyle.
68ExtremeReaching a high or the highest degree; very great.intense, severe, excessiveThey experienced extreme weather conditions.
69ExuberantFilled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.enthusiastic, lively, ebullientThe children were exuberant at the party.
70ExultantTriumphantly happy.jubilant, elated, overjoyedHe was exultant after winning the race.
71EffulgentShining brightly; radiant.radiant, bright, luminousThe effulgent sunset took their breath away.
72EdibleFit to be eaten.eatable, consumable, safe to eatThe mushrooms were found to be edible.
73EerieStrange and frightening.spooky, creepy, uncannyThey heard eerie sounds in the old house.
74EffervescentGiving off bubbles; fizzy.bubbly, sparkling, vivaciousShe had an effervescent personality.
75EffortlessRequiring no physical or mental exertion.easy, smooth, unforcedShe made the dance look effortless.

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Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
76EffulgentShining brightly; radiant.radiant, bright, luminousThe effulgent sunset was breathtaking.
77ElasticAble to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed.flexible, stretchy, resilientThe material was highly elastic.
78ElatedEcstatically happy.overjoyed, ecstatic, euphoric.She was elated to hear the good news.
79Elderly(Of a person) old or aging.aged, senior, oldThe elderly couple walked hand in hand.
80ElegantGraceful and stylish in appearance or manner.graceful, stylish, refinedShe wore an elegant dress to the gala.
81EloquentFluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.articulate, expressive, persuasiveHe gave an eloquent speech at the ceremony.
82ElusiveDifficult to find, catch, or achieve.evasive, slippery, intangibleThe solution to the problem was elusive.
83Emanate(Of something abstract but perceptible) issue or spread out from a source.emit, radiate, flowLight seemed to emanate from the painting.
84EmotionalRelating to a person’s emotions.passionate, sentimental, sensitiveThe film was an emotional rollercoaster.
85EmpatheticShowing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.compassionate, understanding, sympatheticHer empathetic nature made her a great listener.
86EmpiricalBased on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.observational, practical, experimentalThe theory was supported by empirical evidence.
87EmpoweredGiven the authority or power to do something.authorized, enabled, entitledShe felt empowered by the new responsibilities.
88EnchantingDelightfully charming or attractive.charming, captivating, fascinatingThe garden was an enchanting place.
89EncouragingGiving someone support or confidence; supportive.supportive, reassuring, inspiringHis words were very encouraging.
90EndearingInspiring affection.lovable, adorable, charmingHer endearing smile won everyone’s hearts.
91EndlessHaving or seeming to have no end or limit.infinite, boundless, perpetualThey gazed at the endless horizon.
92EndurableAble to be endured; bearable.tolerable, bearable, manageableThe pain was barely endurable.
93EnergeticShowing or involving great activity or vitality.lively, active, dynamicThe energetic puppy played all day.
94EnigmaticDifficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.mysterious, puzzling, crypticThe enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa intrigues many.
95EnlightenedHaving or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.informed, educated, knowledgeableThe leader was known for his enlightened policies.
96EnormousVery large in size, quantity, or extent.huge, vast, immenseThe mansion was enormous.
97EnrapturedGive intense pleasure or joy to.captivated, enchanted, delightedShe was enraptured by the beauty of the music.
98EnrichingImproving or enhancing the quality or value of.enhancing, improving, augmentingTraveling abroad is an enriching experience.
99EnthusiasticHaving or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.eager, passionate, excitedThe crowd was enthusiastic about the performance.
100EnticingAttractive or tempting; alluring.tempting, alluring, attractiveThe aroma of the food was enticing.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
101EnviousFeeling or showing envy.jealous, covetous, resentfulShe was envious of her friend’s new car.
102EpidemicWidespread occurrence of an infectious disease.widespread, rampant, infectiousThe flu reached epidemic proportions last winter.
103EqualBeing the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.identical, equivalent, balancedAll individuals are considered equal under the law.
104EquitableFair and impartial.fair, just, unbiasedThey reached an equitable agreement.
105ErectRigidly upright or straight.upright, vertical, straight.The soldier stood erect during the inspection.
106ErraticNot even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.unpredictable, inconsistent, irregularHis driving was erratic.
107ErroneousWrong; incorrect.mistaken, false, inaccurateThe report contained erroneous information.
108EruptiveCharacterized by or prone to sudden outbursts or eruptions.explosive, volatile, turbulentThe volcano had an eruptive history.
109EssentialAbsolutely necessary; extremely important.crucial, vital, indispensableWater is essential for survival.
110EstablishedHaving been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.recognized, traditional, entrenchedThe bakery is an established local favorite.
111EsteemedHeld in great respect; admired.respected, revered, admiredShe is an esteemed professor at the university.
112EternalLasting or existing forever; without end.everlasting, perpetual, endlessThe concept of eternal love is timeless.
113EthicalRelating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.moral, principled, righteousHe made an ethical decision to return the lost wallet.
114EuphoricCharacterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.elated, joyful, ecstaticWinning the championship made the team euphoric.
115EvocativeBringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.reminiscent, suggestive, expressiveThe painting was evocative of the artist’s childhood.
116EvilProfoundly immoral and wicked.wicked, malevolent, sinisterThe villain had an evil plan.
117ExaltedPlaced at a high or powerful level; held in high regard.elevated, superior, loftyHe was in an exalted position within the company.
118ExasperatedIntensely irritated and frustrated.annoyed, irritated, infuriatedShe was exasperated by the constant delays.
119ExcellentExtremely good; outstanding.outstanding, superb, exceptionalThe student did an excellent job on the project.
120ExceptionalUnusual; not typical.extraordinary, remarkable, uniqueHis performance was exceptional.
121ExcessiveMore than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.undue, extreme, immoderateHe was criticized for his excessive spending.
122ExcitableEasily excited.nervous, jumpy, easily agitatedThe excitable puppy barked at every noise.
123ExcitedVery enthusiastic and eager.enthusiastic, eager, thrilledThe children were excited about the trip.
124ExclusiveExcluding or not admitting other things.selective, elite, restrictedThe club is very exclusive.
125ExhaustedDrained of one’s physical or mental resources; very tired.worn out, fatigued, drainedAfter the marathon, he felt completely exhausted.

Sr. No.AdjectiveDefinitionSynonymExample
126ExhilaratingMaking one feel very happy, animated, or elated.thrilling, invigorating, excitingThe roller coaster ride was exhilarating.
127ExoticOriginating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.foreign, tropical, unusualThe zoo featured many exotic animals.
128ExpansiveCovering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive.extensive, broad, wide-rangingThe view from the mountaintop was expansive.
129ExpectantHaving or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen.anticipatory, hopeful, eagerThere was an expectant hush in the auditorium.
130ExpensiveCosting a lot of money.costly, high-priced, priceyThe designer dress was very expensive.
131ExperiencedHaving knowledge or skill in a particular field.skilled, knowledgeable, seasonedShe is an experienced nurse.
132ExperimentalBased on untested ideas or techniques and not yet established or finalized.trial, exploratory, tentativeThe drug is still in the experimental stage.
133ExplicitStated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.clear, direct, unambiguousThe contract was explicit about the terms.
134ExplosiveAble or likely to shatter violently or burst apart.volatile, incendiary, combustibleThe situation became explosive when the argument escalated.
135ExquisiteExtremely beautiful and, typically, delicate.beautiful, lovely, elegantShe admired the exquisite craftsmanship of the jewelry.
136ExtensiveCovering or affecting a large area.large-scale, comprehensive, wide-rangingThe library has an extensive collection of books.
137ExternalBelonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of something.outer, outside, exteriorThey focused on the external appearance of the house.
138Extinct(Of a species, family, or other larger group) having no living members.vanished, died out, nonexistentDinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
139ExtraordinaryVery unusual or remarkable.remarkable, exceptional, amazingThe athlete’s performance was extraordinary.
140ExtravagantLacking restraint in spending money or using resources.lavish, excessive, opulentShe led an extravagant lifestyle, spending money freely.
141ExtremeReaching a high or the highest degree; very great.intense, severe, excessiveThey experienced extreme weather conditions on their trip.
142ExuberantFilled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.enthusiastic, lively, ebullientThe children were exuberant at the amusement park.
143ExultantTriumphantly happy.jubilant, elated, overjoyedThe team was exultant after their victory.
144ExhaustiveExamining, including, or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive.thorough, comprehensive, completeThe report was exhaustive and left no detail unexplored.
145Exorbitant(Of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.excessive, prohibitive, inflatedThe hotel charged an exorbitant fee for its services.
146ExotericSuitable for or communicated to the general public.common, public, accessibleThe lecture was exoteric, making complex ideas understandable.
147ExoskeletalPertaining to or having an external skeleton.outer-shell, outer framework, external skeletonThe insect’s exoskeletal structure provided protection.
148Exothermic(Of a reaction or process) accompanied by the release of heat.heat-releasing, thermal, heat-producingCombustion is an exothermic reaction.
149ExpiatoryServing to atone for guilt or sin.atoning, penitent, redemptiveThe ritual was considered expiatory.
150ExploratoryRelating to or involving exploration or investigation.investigative, probing, examiningThey went on an exploratory mission to the Arctic.

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